Welcome to the September 16, 2013 edition of motherhood and family.
Violet presents Sleep, Baby, Sleep: How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night: My Secrets Revealed posted at Sleep, baby, sleep . . ..
Violet presents Tots and Kids 101: Potty Train in 3 days: Is It Possible? posted at Tots and Kids 101.
Steve Jackson presents 28 Blogs Sharing Quick and Easy Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen posted at Housekeeping, saying, "The kitchen is commonly referred to as the heart of the home, so it’s no surprise that people spend a lot of time and money making it a room where people want to congregate. It’s a room where families gather, cook together and eat together, and because of that high traffic it’s easy for it to become a disorganized mess."
Rita Lawsen presents Contact Us - Baby Safe Vest posted at Rita Lawsen, saying, "Hi Mums & Dads, I'm Rita & we’re a family owned business from South Australia who developed the Baby Safe Vest – www.babysafevest.webs.com in response to a tragic incident several years ago, involving a friend’s son dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Crib or Cot Death. Our patented product the “Baby Safe Vest” is designed to keep baby secured comfortably in the most safest of all positions - ON ITS BACK AT ALL TIMES"
MITCHELL MORRIS presents How Nannies Can Welcome Visits from Grandparents posted at Full Time Nanny, saying, "While visits from grandparents are a wonderful time for families, they can also be stressful. Nannies can be a huge asset to families when the grandparents come to visit. A nanny can pave the way for an enjoyable visit that will keep the family connected and the grandparents coming back. Here are some of the advantages she can provide when Grandma and Grandpa come to town."
David Thompsonn presents Helping Your Kids Deal With the Death of a Family Member posted at Backup Care, saying, "Losing a family member is hard at any age; however, children often lack the life experience that adults rely on for developing the coping skills to get them through this difficult time. When a child loses a loved one, he can experience a variety of emotions that may range from confusion to anger."
Lisa Williams presents 7 Parenting Solutions for Boys With Bad Tempers posted at Become A Nanny, saying, "Anger is a natural human emotion, and the issue of handling it is one that all children and their parents must face eventually."
Kevin Giffin presents 10 Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety posted at Summer Nanny, saying, "There comes a point in every child’s life when she’s forced to face the world without the parents she depends upon so fiercely. While painful for everyone involved, this rite of passage is an essential one along the road to a healthy, independent adulthood."
Sharon Moore presents 5 Ways to Deal with Difficult Parents posted at Nanny Jobs, saying, "Spending your days caring for kids, playing games, making art projects and helping little ones reach developmental milestones is a rewarding and exciting career path. It can also be fraught with difficulty and misunderstandings when you’re employed by a particularly complicated set of parents, though."
Isabella Harriss presents 5 Ways Movie Reviews Are Helpful to Parents posted at Nanny News Network, saying, "Summer may be the season for big-budget blockbusters, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t attractive and exciting features being released throughout the season that are sure to capture kids’ attention."
Kevin Giffin presents 18 Blogs Helping You Be a Good Sports Parent posted at Summer Nanny, saying, "It can be easy to let your competitive nature come out during a youth sporting event, however this behavior can teach your kids all the wrong things about sportsmanship."
Lisa Williams presents 5 Tips for Nannies Hosting Their First Playdate posted at Become A Nanny, saying, "Hosting a playdate may be your own idea or that of your employers, but either way it’s a fun and exciting way to help kids socialize and provide a break from your daily routine."
Sharon Harvey Rosenberg presents Ways to Help Obese Kids and Teens posted at Health, Life & Community | Baptist Health South Florida, saying, "In order to deal with childhood obesity, there have to be changes around the entire household. Here are family-centered strategies for handling childhood obesity."
Denise Thompson presents How to Talk to Your Children When You Get Divorced posted at Find A Babysitter, saying, "Getting through a divorce can be challenging, but it becomes even more strenuous when there are children involved. Although parents deal with plenty of emotional and mental turmoil in most cases, children often need additional comfort and guidance to properly deal with the emotions they are feeling."
Dan Robinson presents 24 Blogs with Great Ideas for Fun Fall Activities for the Family posted at Aupair Jobs, saying, "As the temperatures turn crisp and the leaves start begin to change colors, your thoughts are likely shifting toward fun fall activities you can do with your family."
Kevin Giffin presents 7 Tips for Helping Kids Beat the Back-to-School Blues posted at Summer Nanny, saying, "Every August, millions of kids trudge to the bus stop in the early morning hours, dragging backpacks and lunch boxes and saying goodbye to summer vacation."
David Thompsonn presents 10 of the Most Common Food Allergies in Kids posted at Backup Care, saying, "When it comes to kids’ health, food allergies are certainly nothing to sneeze at. While many food sensitivities and allergies cause little more than discomfort, itching or hives, there are those that can have potentially lethal implications. Before introducing new foods into a child’s diet, it’s wise to have a reasonable understanding of common food allergens and know the signs of an allergic reaction."
Shelby Martin presents How to Find the Right Tutor for Your Child posted at GoNannies.com Blog, saying, "It can be painful to watch your child struggle through a particular concept or unit in school. Whether it is difficulty in understanding long division, struggling with standard English grammar rules or anything in between, there is only so much that teachers and parents alike can do."
Dan Robinson presents How to Survive a Layover with Young Kids posted at Aupair Jobs, saying, "Traveling with your kids can be a fun and rewarding experience, and provide you with a treasure trove of memories that you’ll be able to recall with fondness later. It can also be a harrowing, frustrating experience if you’re not properly prepared, though. Sometimes a layover is unavoidable, but the lack of a direct flight doesn’t have to be the kiss of death for your family trip. These tips can help you not only survive a long layover with little ones, but perhaps even have a bit of fun."
Janet Golovine presents 15 Blogs with Alternatives to Yelling at Your Kids posted at Become A Nanny, saying, "When your kids are acting out, do you resort to yelling? Many people who were brought up being yelled at tend to yell at their own family members. This observation alone should alert you to the long-lasting consequences of yelling at your kids."
Brittany Harris presents How to Keep Your Kids From Becoming Addicted to Technology posted at NannyPro.com, saying, "It’s impossible to keep children from interacting with all manner of screens today: TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones have permeated society. Screen time exposure is higher than ever for today’s little ones, especially when so many parents model that behavior."
Shelby Martin presents How to Help Your Child Adjust to a New School posted at GoNannies.com Blog, saying, "Transitioning into a new situation can be difficult for any child, but it can especially be hard for a child who is highly sensitive. Trying to transition your young child into a new school can be a particularly challenging event."
Carter White presents 27 of the Greatest Blogs with Ideas for Planning the Perfect Back-to-School Party posted at Babysitting, saying, "When summer ends and school begins again, there are a variety of responses you can expect from both parents and children. Parents are usually excited for the kids to go back to school and to establish a more consistent routine again. Kids, however, typically have mixed feelings about going back."
Jessica Clark presents What to Do if Your Young One Develops a Swearing Problem posted at Kenney Myers, saying, "“Little pitchers have big ears.” Almost every parent knows this phrase and exactly what it means: You should always be careful what you say around your children, because they hear, understand and repeat more than you could imagine."
Caleb Hill presents 18 Blogs with Strategies for Using Positive Reinforcements with Your Kids posted at Nanny Classifieds, saying, "It’s not unusual for parents to resort to using negative consequences to curb bad behavior, however relying on these tactics will not produce the same results as if you were using positive reinforcements."
Brittany Harris presents 24 Blogs Sharing Tips for Goal Setting for the Coming School Year posted at NannyPro.com, saying, "This quote by Basil Walsh really pinpoints the importance of setting goals. If your children neglect to set goals for the coming school year, they will be just aimlessly floating through their lessons. By helping your child set goals you are not only teaching him an important skill that he will use the rest of his life, but you are helping him create a tool by which to steer his life."
Hailey Jones presents 10 iPhone Apps to Help Monitor Kid’s Screen Time posted at Nanny Websites, saying, "The world of technology is always expanding, bringing new and exciting opportunities for parents and their children. While most youngsters won’t have a smartphone of their own, the iPhone is such a kid-friendly and fun device that parents who own them tend to find themselves handing their phones over more often than they’d like."
Shelby Martin presents 7 Smart Ways Nannies Can Avoid Injury on the Job posted at GoNannies.com Blog, saying, "Working as a nanny means always being busy. You spend your days wrangling kids, sometimes several of them, and it can seem like you never stop moving. Activities, play dates, housework, cooking: there’s always something going on and something else to do."
Denise Thompson presents Is Your Child Ready to Play Sports? posted at Find A Babysitter, saying, "When it comes to signing your child up for a sports team, it’s natural to feel a bit of trepidation while they’re still young. While you do not want your child to be behind the other children in terms of skills, you may wonder if your child is ready to devote the time and effort it takes to learn a sport and to be a part of a team."
Jim Wilson presents How to Choose the Right Cell Phone for Your Child | Babysitters posted at 10 Physical Contact Rules for Babysitters, saying, "While the idea of having a cell phone in elementary school was about as far-fetched as landing on the moon for today’s parents, there’s no denying the fact that technology has evolved at a rapid enough pace to make that situation a very feasible one for kids just a generation later."
Diego Brown presents How to Calm Back to School Jitters posted at National Nannies, saying, "Whether your child is entering kindergarten as a first-time student or preparing for the first day of his senior year, the first day of school is no laughing matter."
Jane presents Top 5 Best Crib Mattresses | Best Mattress for the Money posted at Best Mattress for the Money.
Regina Naberhaus presents Capturing How Your Child Changes with a Photo a Day posted at Kidmondo, saying, "When it comes to parenting, few things are predictable. One thing that you can be sure of, however, is that your child will grow faster than you ever imagined. Capturing each and every moment in her development may not be feasible, but you can make a beautiful log of her growth from day to day."
John Williams presents 20 of the Best Blogs Highlighting First Day of School Traditions posted at Live-In Nanny, saying, "Instituting a back-to-school tradition can help get everyone excited about the changes a new school year brings."
Denise Young presents 24 Blogs Illustrating Quick Back-to-School Hairstyles for Girls posted at Au Pair Care, saying, "The beginning of a new school year signals a fresh start, and gives you the chance to completely reinvent your look. You may have assembled the perfect outfit for the first day, but have you figured out a complimentary way to style your hair?"
David Thompsonn presents How to Help Your Kids Deal With the Death of a Pet posted at Backup Care, saying, "Coping with the death of a pet — and the mess of feelings that comes with it — is one of the tougher parts of growing up. These feelings can be hard for everybody in the family, but they’re especially tough for young children. Children see pets as close friends and extensions of the family unit, and they have a great deal of importance in their lives."
Arianna Lee presents How to Make Sure Your Kid Has a Great Playdate posted at Part Time Nanny, saying, "The two most important rules for children’s play dates are to keep activities age appropriate and to always have a back-up plan. With these two suggestions in mind, play dates can be fun for both children and parents alike."
Carter White presents 24 Blogs with Easy to Make Nature Crafts for Kids posted at Babysitting, saying, "Nature-themed craft projects are a great way to engage the kids and teach them a little about the world around them. Instead of sacrificing another day to the TV or computer, take the kids on a nature walk one afternoon and have them collect different twigs, leaves, flowers and rocks that they find."
Layla Martinez presents 7 Tips for Getting Your Toddler to Take a Nap posted at Live-In Nanny, saying, "Toddlers usually switch from two naps a day to one around 18 months, but just because they’re taking fewer naps doesn’t mean those naps aren’t helping. Dr. Jodi Mindell says that toddlers are going through “a marathon of development,” and that quality rest is “the only way they can restore themselves and keep up the pace.”"
Jana presents How To Set You And Your Children Up For Success posted at Blog, saying, "Most mothers want what is best for their children. But as many of us try to protect them, we can also unintentionally hinder their growth, or as we do things out of convenience we may find that we aren't setting them AND ourselves up for success in the long term. Here we features ways to set you and your children up for success by giving them the space to explore, make mistakes and grow."
Jeff Moore presents Ways to Avoid Bathtime Battles posted at Babysitting Jobs, saying, "Even the sweetest of kids can turn into a raging screamer after seeing a tub filled with water, and most parents don’t understand why their children feel that way. Kids, however, can despise cleaning up after a long day because of everything from the temperature of the water to the slipperiness of the tub and even the lack of fun they have in the water."
Shelby Martin presents How to Communicate with Your Child’s Teacher posted at GoNannies.com Blog, saying, "With school starting, you can expect that there’s going to be a certain amount of chaos going on, from getting school supplies to enrolling in extracurricular activities to dealing with your child’s emotions about returning to school."
Denise Thompson presents Is Your Child Ready for Music Lessons? posted at Find A Babysitter, saying, "One of the most obvious benefits is that music helps develop creativity. Another lesser known advantage is that it helps children with mathematics. Several studies published in Scientific American have shown that learning to play music stimulates the same areas of the brain that are used in mathematical processing."
Steve Jackson presents 30 Blogs Sharing Party Plans for Spooky Halloween Fun posted at Housekeeping, saying, "Make this the year that you finally throw that killer Halloween bash! You’ll need to start planning early, and you’ll want to mail out your invitations at least two weeks before the party to ensure the majority of your guests can come."
Carter White presents Top 10 Reasons Siblings Fight and How to Stop Them posted at Babysitting, saying, "Fights between siblings are so common they are practically a rite of passage of growing up. Even the most well-behaved children fight from time to time, and the fights are often over the silliest things."
Lisa Jackson presents When Should You Let Your Daughter Wear Makeup posted at Live-Out Nanny, saying, "When girls are toddlers, they think makeup is a toy or something to eat. As preschoolers, they might create a “kiss” impression with their lips while trying to apply makeup like mommy. When they hit puberty, they become more aware and self-conscious of their bodies and what others might think of them, and may start showing a genuine interest in wearing makeup."
Regina Naberhaus presents Ways to Get Your Children to Pose Together in Photos posted at Kidmondo, saying, "As any parent, nanny or childcare professional knows, it’s almost impossible to get small children to do what you want, when you want. Threats never work, either. The “do it or else!” approach when trying to keep the kids under control tends to backfire pretty quickly. Parents will tell you that their child will do the exact opposite of what they want, even/especially in important situations, like getting a photo of an older sibling holding a younger for your newborn’s baby book."
Dan Robinson presents How Culture Affects Caregiving Style posted at Aupair Jobs, saying, "As with so many things, the way that a childcare provider or parent approaches the task of caring for a child is often largely shaped by cultural influences. When parents come from disparate cultures or hire a childcare provider who’s own cultural background is dramatically different from their own, misunderstandings and disagreements can be commonplace."
Jae presents No Rest for the Wicked posted at I'm Just Sayin'...(Damn!), saying, "A post regarding the busy days and juggling act of a mom of a Marching Band Member Student Athlete."
Jon Rhodes presents Lose Weight By Skipping Breakfast? posted at Free Hypnosis, saying, "Is it really true that we must eat breakfast in order to stay slim?"
William & Tracy Minor presents Submission in Marriage posted at Inspiration For Chiristians.
Jana presents How To Handle Unwanted Behavior In Children via Responsibility posted at Wisdom Ink, saying, "As parents we often forget that children are mirroring us; this includes our inner emotions and stress. When we take responsibility for our children's behavior, turn inward and ask, "What is going on within me that is being reflected in my child's behavior" we begin to see just how much of an impact we have on our children. Here we write about what is often found and what we can do as parents to course-correct."
Zhu presents Oui! Non! (Or Discovering the Art of Parenting) | Correr Es Mi Destino posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying, "Problem, solution. I’m telling you, babies are straightforward human beings. They just need a good instruction manual. But Mark changed. He is no longer a small baby."
Shelby Martin presents Easy Ways for Busy Moms to Take Care of Themselves posted at GoNannies.com Blog, saying, "Fulfilling the role of mom is arguably one of the most difficult jobs out there, but it is also one that is equally as rewarding as it is demanding. With each new day comes dozens of problems to fix, hurts to help heal, opportunities to teach and needs to meet. During all of this hustle and bustle, it can be a challenge for a mom to find time to meet her own needs for relaxation and rest."
Olivia Lewiss presents 25 Blogs with Menu Planning Tips for Busy Moms posted at Hire a Nanny, saying, "Between taking care of the house, the kids, and all of the other tasks that fall to mom, sometimes there’s just not enough energy left to fix dinner. It doesn’t have to be that way, though."
Kaitlyn Johnson presents How to Dress for Your Baby Bump posted at Newborn Care, saying, "Being pregnant brings many challenges to a woman’s life. Moms-to-be have to deal with more than just a baby bump. During pregnancy, the body changes in a variety of ways. The belly grows, the breasts enlarge, joints loosen and feet become larger. All of these changes can make choosing clothing seem like a daunting task."
Ashley Burke presents Vitamin E – The Dream Eye Cream! | LoveYourSkinBeautiful posted at LoveYourSkinBeautiful, saying, "Learn the secret to beautiful skin while busy and on a budget with this all-natural, time-saving eye cream made out of a vitamin E capsule!"
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of motherhood and family using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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