Make me rich puhlez

Monday, August 5, 2013

Things to plan-school holiday break!

Here come hari raya and school break for Miza. Yeayyy or Nayyy?
Yeayyy -no need to rush to her school at 12 noon for 2 weeks!
nayyyy..- more cloths to wash, more vacuum jobs, more time in da kitchen.


 Miza will shower every 3/4 hours and at least 3/4 pair cloths per day! Then, she'll doing her arty crafty job at da dining table, more eraser dusk+ cut out paper to be sucks. Ooh..not to mention, she eats like a monster! 

For sure, water,electricity and gas bills will be raise..,

School break plus hari raya meant to be fun break from the school rigidity, but tat not means she can spending hours watching nick jr! 

Well, lets mama plans some productive activities for Miza. Yeap,of cause the plans are based on Miza personal interest.
 We sat together with a pen and paper in our hands. I let Miza write down the lists what she wants to do during her school break. 
The lists goes - pretend play as a teacher
                      - playground
                      - swimming
                      - board game
                      - baking/ cooking
                      - visit Pramlee's museum
                      - shopping
                      - Dine out at her fav place
Ok, now i've completely overdone the set up starting yesterday, Sunday 4 of August. Here's the list.

Alhamdullilah, she completed all the task given. Bravo Miza!

What bout today's tasks? Here we go..

Ooh yes, why i didn't include homework? Well, Miza finished all the 2 weeks homework on Friday night. She's kinda kind 'takbley tido malam punya org'if she didn't finish her homework. 

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